• Marine Bernier-Harrington

    Director, Co-founder

    Marine’s journey 

    Marine's journey in the realm of neurodiversity began 15 years ago when her child, just 2 years old at the time, exhibited distinctive traits that set them apart from neurotypical individuals. Through a relentless seven-year battle within the educational and medical systems, Marine's child received a comprehensive diagnosis, encompassing Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, and a severe language disorder. During this period, Marine's unwavering determination led her to a personal revelation as she understood her own dyslexia.

    Fuelled by her experiences, Marine embarked on an educational quest, immersing herself in the intricate worlds of Autism and Neurodiversity. She harnessed this knowledge to establish a local support group, offering a listening ear to parents navigating the complexities of raising neurodiverse children.

    Marine bore witness to the challenges faced by neurodiverse children and their families, recognizing the often inadequate support available. In parallel, she gained insight into the demanding role of caregivers, as she observed her mother's dedication in caring for her blind and disabled husband (Marine’s father). This profound insight emphasized the importance of supporting parents and caregivers to enhance the overall well-being of the individuals under their care.

    In her professional journey, Marine made a significant transition from the private sector, leveraging her well-honed marketing expertise, to the non-profit sector. She commenced her non-profit career as a team leader for a refugee charity in Africa and subsequently took on roles in fundraising, campaigning, and community development.

    Marine's initial educational background includes a Master's Degree in Direct Marketing. However, her compelling journey within the field of neurodiversity inspired her to expand her skill set by becoming a certified Transformational Life Coach, specializing in the Person-Centered (Rogerian) approach. Committed to staying current in her field, Marine actively participates in ongoing professional development and is presently working toward obtaining a diploma in Positive Psychology.

    Beyond her professional endeavors, Marine, a devoted mother of three, dedicates her time to sports, including Spinning, swimming, pilates, and cycling. She also serves as an appointed governor in a Southwark primary school. To top it all off, her accent is from the northern region of France.


    MA, DTC