Nexus Tribe
What: A vibrant inclusive social group for young people, 16-20 y/o (up to 25 years old for people with special needs). Come to socialise, have fun, focus on your well-being, talk about your next best step. Go out with others.
Date: Every Wednesday - Term Time - Some outings will be on other days
Time: Wednesday - 7:00pm-09:30pm - Dinner included (-: / Term Time Only
Location: Bethwin Adventure Playground (4 Bethwin Rd, London SE5 0YF)
Age: 16-20 y/o (up to 25 years old for people with special needs)
SEND provision: 12 people in a group - 2 adults
More info: [email protected]
We are very grateful to the PFYPF fund from Southwark Council for funding this group. Nexus Tribe is free for all but we would love you to join us as a member - Join Us!

Partly funded by Southwark Council