Celebrating Black History Month and Learning to Breathe

Annie Easley, in 'I'm Going to be a Princess'

Last week at My Tribe, we celebrated Black History Month by making rocket ships, honouring the amazing Black women who worked with NASA – like Annie Easley, African American computer scientist.        

Arts and Crafts

Our after-school club started at 3:30pm, and many of the kids headed straight to the arts and crafts table to get started on the rocket ship activity. Both boys and girls loved creating their own. We spent a wonderful time together around the table.

One of the boys decided to make a monster rather than a rocket ship, while another decided to draw the stars and the moon around the rocket ships. With all of our activities being child-led, we left them to channel their own creativity and make whatever suited them.  


Our ultimate Dobble champion!

Fun and Games

In another part of the room, some kids were playing board games like Uno or Guess Who, while others were busy with trains or relaxing in the comfy corner. There was a fierce battle going on over Dobble, with everyone trying to defeat our ultimate champion, Kira!         

A healthy competition takes place with board games at each session, where we learn how to win and lose gracefully and to be mindful of one another.        

Club Crew Hour

At 4:30 pm, we gathered for the "Club Crew Hour," a special time where everyone who is interested comes together for a group activity. This week, we focused on learning how to breathe, exploring different breathing techniques to help calm and centre ourselves.  

We wrapped up the session with our usual rainbow parachute ritual, in which everyone takes hold of a corner of a huge rainbow-coloured parachute. We make it float and then run underneath according to instructions. Before we knew it, the time had flown by and it was time to go home. As one father collected his daughter, he said: "You know, Thursdays are always an easy day for us. My daughter is always happy to go to school on a Thursday because she knows your club is on. It’s her space."  

My Tribe takes place in Mint Street Adventure Playground in Borough (SE1 1QP) every Thursday in term time. My Junior Tribe (aged 6 to 10) meet from 3:30pm to 5:00pm and My Tribe Teens (aged 11 to 18) meet from 3:30pm to 6:30pm.  

For a fun take on other inspirational Black women this Black History Month, check out the children’s picture book I’m Going to Be a Princess, written by Stephanie Taylor and illustrated by Jade Orlando. (affiliate link)