05 2024 My Tribe Club Making Slime

GET SLIMY: Sensory Fun with Slime Making!

Making slime
Mixing Slime

All our clubs are child-led, which means we give the children the opportunity to choose their own activities. One of the activities the young people in our after-school club asked for recently was to make slime. So last week we decided to make slime in My Tribe!

This proved to be a great activity for two reasons. Firstly, slime provides a multisensory experience that appeals to neurodiverse children. It benefits sensory development, emotional regulation, and creative expression. Secondly, slime making is a versatile activity enjoyed by people of all ages. It therefore fostered a sense of togetherness where the older children could help the younger children.

Sensational slime

Playing with slime is often a favourite sensory activity for neurodiverse children. There are three key reasons for this:

Sensory Development: Slime provides a distinctive tactile experience, allowing children to explore different textures and sensations through touch. Children can manipulate the slime, stretch it, squeeze it, and observe its properties. This can help them learn about cause and effect and develop fine motor skills.

Child playing with slime

Emotional Regulation: For children who have sensory processing differences, the tactile stimulation of playing with slime can help regulate their emotions and reduce feelings of anxiety or stress. The repetitive motions and soothing textures can have a calming effect, providing a sensory outlet for children to express themselves and self-soothe.

Creative Expression: Slime is versatile and can be customised with different colours, scents, and add-ins. This allows children to unleash their creativity and imagination. There are no limits! Neurodiverse children may find joy and self-expression in this experimentation, creating their own unique sensory experiences.

Child making slime
Creative Expression

Slime for all ages

At My Tribe, our trained adults are used to helping children with diverse needs. But something special happens when our older youth get to be the helpers instead. For once, they’re not the ones getting help; they're the ones giving it. Being able to help empowers them and makes them feel proud.

As for the younger ones, being helped by their older peers provides a whole new kind of support, infused with empathy and understanding. This in turn fosters a sense of empowerment and self-confidence.

05 2024 My Tribe Club Making Slime
Create a community

Young people who are used to getting help because of their neurodivergence know what it’s like to want to do something on their own but not be able to. So, when they help the younger members of our club – as they did in our slime making activity, they can empathise with how they are feeling, and use their own experiences to help them feel good about themselves. Because they understand the importance of autonomy, they provide support in a way that honours the younger members’ agency. By doing this, they create a community where everyone helps each other and feels understood.

Join us for more child-led after-school fun!

My Tribe takes place in Mint Street Adventure Playground in Borough (SE1 1QP) every Thursday in term time. 

My Junior Tribe (aged 6 to 10) meet from 3:30pm to 5:15pm and My Tribe Teens (aged 11 to 18) meet from 3:30pm to 6:30pm.