What's your tap out moment?

What is your “tap-out moment”?

We had our first coffee morning at Mint Street Park, and it was truly heartwarming! A perfect moment to pause, laugh, and come together as a community of parents with neurodiverse children. We shared our experiences in navigating life with our Neurodiverse children, explored the concept of Echolalia, and realised the importance of having our 'tap out moment'.

Connect with a community of parents with neurodiverse children

Coffee, Mint tea and Yorshire tea were on the menu along with custard biscuits! With the playground as our backdrop and good company all around, this inaugural coffee gathering showcased the true essence of our offering: a chance to connect with fellow community members who are parents of Neurodiverse children. 

Discover a welcoming place and collective wisdom

As one mother arrived, she shared, "I was feeling anxious about my child, and suddenly I remembered I could come here and chat." Her story unfolded as we delved into her concerns - her child's school not adequately addressing their needs. Through discussions, she left with a newfound action plan, empowered and supported by our collective wisdom. 

Another parent chimed in, saying, "I always see you advertising these coffees, so I thought I would drop in." It's moments like these that remind us of the power of outreach and the comfort of finding a welcoming space to connect with others. 

Learn new concepts like Echolalia

During our conversations, a parent opened up about their child's repetitive verbal habits. We named it as Echolalia. We delved into the topic, understanding that Echolalia, the repetition of sounds, spoken language, or written information, is quite common in autistic individuals. Dr. Barry M. Prizant's insights author of "Uniquely Human" shed light on its purpose as a learning strategy, especially during challenging moments of dysregulation. 

Laughter filled the air as one parent shared their child's meticulous vegetable-picking habits, a relatable anecdote that resonated with us all. This laughter wasn't just any laughter; it was the kind that dissipates tension, serving as a release valve for pent-up nervous energy, much like a hydraulic engine. Did you know that laughter increases blood flow, reduces stress hormones, and even helps alleviate pain, among its many other benefits? 

Remember to create your "tap out moments"

We wrapped up our gathering by sharing our precious "tap out moments." Sonay shared her need to retreat to her conservatory for a moment of solitary reflection, while another member expressed the therapeutic value of a peaceful walk. Someone else revealed their strategy of kindly asking their children to vacate the kitchen, creating a space for themselves! We invite you to ponder: What are your go-to "Tap Out Moments" that help you recharge swiftly, ready to face the front lines of life with renewed energy?

Upcoming Events: 

Mark your calendars for our next coffee connect on November 3rd, and don't miss our upcoming Wisdom & Wonder coffee session on October 20th. We look forward to continuing these enriching conversations and sharing moments of warmth and support within our remarkable community.