• Toby Ashong

    Toby Ashong

    Business Expert, Director

    An engineer by background and a management consultant for over twenty years, Toby has spent his working life designing and implementing organisational change programmes to deliver business improvement in a variety of settings. His work has spanned multiple sectors, multiple geographies and been the subject of industry awards on several occasions.

    Raised between Accra and London, Toby has always regarded his upbringing across diverse cultures and settings as a great privilege and core to his own identity. He has a life-long held belief that communities, organisations and the world are better served when we learn how to embrace and support individuals to be the best versions of themselves through acceptance, understanding and personal growth.

    With a mother that studied child development and psychology and was a teacher for many years; and a sister that has worked as an educational psychologist for twenty years; Toby has always has a heightened, if indirect, awareness of the challenges and shortcomings of our education, health and social care systems to provide adequate and easily-navigable support to those whose needs are anything other than neurotypical.

    Toby has a Masters in Engineering from Loughborough University and an MBA from Imperial College, London where he specialised in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. An engineer by background and a management consultant for over twenty years, Toby has spent his working life designing and implementing large organisational change programmes to deliver business improvement in a variety of settings. His work has spanned multiple sectors, multiple geographies and been the subject of industry awards on several occasions. Along the way he was part of a senior team that conducted a management buy-out, grew and then led the business through a major acquisition and integration into one of the world’s largest professional services companies.

    Outside of work Toby loves skiing, is a qualified helicopter pilot, is a keen musician and very much enjoys live music but mostly these days enjoys the far bigger adventure of being a parent.

    MA, MBA