A Journey to Belonging

Poetry Time - A Journey to Belonging

This month’s poem, A Journey to Belonging, was written by A., who is 18 years old.

In her poem, A shares her feelings about being neurodiverse. From the loneliness and isolation that flow from failing to fit in a world where she feels different, to the joy of finding her place in musical theatre, place where she feels free to be herself, where her differences are not only accepted but celebrated.

A Journey to Belonging

In a world where I often feel astray, Where fitting in seems like a distant dream, Rejection shadows my steps each day, And loneliness flows like a relentless stream.

I wander through crowds, a stranger in the throng, Seeking a place where I might belong. Eyes avert, whispers linger, A sense of isolation clings to each finger.

Yet as the years unfold their tender grace, I find kindred souls in a welcoming space. Friends who see me, not just the shell, Who cherish my quirks, my stories to tell.

In musical theatre, I find my stage, A haven where differences are celebrated, Where passion and art are all the rage, And my unique voice is appreciated.

Here, conversations flow with ease, Shared interests bind us, a warm, gentle breeze. No longer do I stand apart, I've found a family that embraces my heart.

In melodies and scripts, I discover my way, A place where neurodiversity is more than okay. Together we laugh, we sing, we dream, In this vibrant world, I reign supreme.

So here's to the journey, the highs and the lows, To the friends who accept, who truly know, Being neurodiverse is a beautiful part, Of the tapestry of life, woven from the heart.

If you are a young neurodiverse person who is seeking a place where your differences will be accepted and celebrated, we invite you to join us. Over the summer, we are running Nexus Tribe, a vibrant social group for 16 to 25 year olds.

Credit: Image by Freepik