running through mud

Poetry Time - Terrible Mum

This month’s poem, Terrible Mum, was written by H., a London-based mother of two, an autistic teenage boy and a second born.

H’s poem gives voice to one of the darker moments we experience as parents going through a challenging situation, when despite our desire to make things better for our child, we feel powerless and berate ourselves for not being able to do enough.


Terrible Mum

A dreadful creature of the mire
Crawling across the marshland of South London
Haggard and reeking of
Eyes watering and full of
I want to
I'm tired

For other parents and carers of neurodiverse children who may recognise having experienced similar feelings or challenges and are looking to find your community, we invite you to come along to “Coffee Connect”, our in-person coffee morning for parents with neurodiverse children. Coffee Connect runs on the first Friday of every month in term time.

Credit: Image by vecstock on Freepik