NDFH Feb 2024 Geocaching

Teen Geocaching


Who: Neurodiverse young people 10-18 years old

Where: Meeting in Mint street / next to play area 

What: Embark on the ultimate quest of discovery with our Teen geocaching! Unleash your inner explorer and join us for a geocaching experience and hunt treasures using GPS coordinates along the river Thames.

Who can join? Any child with a Neurodiversity or on the pathway between the age of 10 years old up to 18 years old.

Friday 16th Feb 
Meeting at Mint Street: 11:00am
Collecting at Mint Street: 3:30pm

What will happen: 
1) We will meet at 11 am inside Mint Street Park at the entrance to the children's play area 
2) Once everyone has arrived, we will give you the exact trail and coordinates we will follow and a safety briefing to have fun and good security 
3) Time for the fun to start! 
5) We will have some Lunch 
6) We will then return to Mint Street for 3:30pm and meet your parents in Mint Street.

IMPORTANT:  Please wear comfortable footwear that does not slip off (trainers or hiking boots), clothes that can get dirty, a waterproof jacket in case of rain, bring your pack lunch with lots of snacks for keeping energy up, water and a back pack.  If children are sensitive to wind, please give them layers and bands to protect their ears. Bring with you anything you need to feel comfortable. Ear defenders are welcome if London feels to noisy.

Who will be there with the children? We will be 3 adults with SEND training. All adults have DBS and safeguarding training.  

More info and booking: https://eequ.org/experience/6544