Nexus Tribe young people walking together after a bowling game

A Memorable Summer with Nexus Tribe: Exploring Nature and Fun Together

The last week of August marked the end of Nexus Tribe's summer cycle, and what a week it was! Our group, made up of enthusiastic 16-to-25-year-olds, came together for two unforgettable outings that perfectly encapsulated the spirit of adventure, discovery, and camaraderie that defines our tribe.

Tuesday: Barefoot Safari and Cloud Gazing

On Tuesday, we gathered at the BOST Eco-House, our starting point for the day’s adventure. The first activity on our agenda was a Barefoot Safari at Little Dorrit Park. For many of us, the idea of taking off our shoes and walking barefoot in the park felt a bit strange at first. But as soon as we embraced the idea, it was incredible. Without shoes, we became more aware of the natural world around us - each blade of grass, the coolness of the earth, and the gentle rustling of leaves.

Mus, our amazing facilitator, handed us a sheet with a list of bugs to hunt for, turning our walk into an exciting scavenger hunt. We searched for caterpillars, ladybirds, worms, and other tiny creatures, marvelling at the rich life that thrives just beneath our feet. It was exhilarating to connect with nature in such a direct and playful way.

From Little Dorrit Park, we moved on to Mint Street Park for a session of Cloud Gazing (with a side of incidental Bird Spotting). Lying down on the grass, we found our own comfortable spots and looked up at the sky, ready to see what the clouds had to offer. It was fascinating to realize that clouds can tell stories - they signal when rain is on its way or when the wind is picking up. We spotted at least six different cloud shapes, each one sparking our imagination and making us appreciate the sky in a new way. Bird spotting was a bit more challenging that day, but the excitement of cloud gazing more than made up for it.

We ended our Tuesday adventure with delicious homemade sandwiches, chatting about our favourite moments and what we had discovered. It was a day of simple pleasures, made extraordinary by the joy of experiencing them together.

Thursday: Bowling and Pizza Celebration

At the bowling alley

Thursday was a day of celebration, marking our last session for the summer. Everyone had voted for an outing that combined friendly competition and delicious food - so bowling and pizza it was!

We kicked off the day at Bethwin Adventure Playground with a quick game of football to get our energy up before heading off to Canary Wharf for bowling. The bus ride was filled with chatter and excitement, as everyone was eager to show off their bowling skills.

Once at the bowling alley, the competitive spirit took over. We admired the various bowling styles on display - the two-handed launch, the one-handed throw, the powerful strikes, and the gentle rolls. Each of us set personal goals: some aimed to score 100 points, others were determined to get at least one strike, and a few wanted to beat their previous scores. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, teasing, and a sense of camaraderie as we cheered each other on.

We wrapped up the day in Southwark Park with pizza, enjoying the warmth of the late summer afternoon. As we shared slices and stories, we began to make plans for the next cycle of Nexus Tribe, which will start in mid-September.

Looking Forward to More Adventures

Celebrating end of Summer Nexus Tribe with Pizza
Celebrating the end of Summer with Pizza 

This summer with Nexus Tribe has been a journey of exploration, connection, and fun. From the sensory experience of gardening, walking barefoot in the park, exploring fashion, enjoying open-air cinema, and bowling strikes, to making our CVs and creating personalised plans with a career advisor, we’ve made plans for our futures and created memories that will stay with us long after the season changes. Annette, the facilitator, said: "What Nexus Tribe made me witness was the growth within themselves. By their willingness to explore new experiences, they inevitably contributed to their personal growth, rewarding them with new possibilities”.  

As we take a short break and look forward to the next cycle, we can’t help but feel grateful for the friendships we’ve made, the adventures we’ve shared, and the new perspectives we’ve gained. Nexus Tribe isn’t just about the activities – it’s about the people, the experiences, and the community we’ve built together.

See you all in mid-September for more adventures with Nexus Tribe!